©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. May 21, 2013; 19(19): 2864-2882
Published online May 21, 2013. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i19.2864
Published online May 21, 2013. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i19.2864
Table 1 Essential steps of herbal hepatotoxicity assessments
Quality specifications |
Herbal product quality |
Good agricultural practices |
Good manufacturing practices |
Definition of plant family, subfamily, species, subspecies, and variety |
Definition of plant part |
Definition of solvents and solubilizers |
Lack of impurities, adulterants, and misidentifications |
Minimum of batch and product variability |
Lack of variety to variety variability |
Clinical assessment quality |
Brand name with details of ingredients, plant parts, batch number, and expiration date |
Identification as herbal drug or herbal supplement |
Herb as an ingredient of a polyherbal product or an undetermined herbal product |
Manufacturer with address |
Indication of herbal use with dates of symptoms leading to herbal treatment |
Daily dose with details of the application form |
Exact date of herb start and herb end |
Accurate dates of emerging new symptoms after herb start in chronological order |
Accurate date of initially increased liver values |
Timeframes of challenge, latency period, and dechallenge |
Verification or exclusion of a temporal association |
Provided temporal association is verified, evaluation of a causal relationship |
Gender, age, body weight, height, body mass index |
Ethnicity, profession |
Past medical history regarding general diseases and specifically liver diseases |
ALT value initially including normal range |
ALT values during dechallenge at least on days 8 and 30, as well as later on |
ALT values during dechallenge to exclude a second peak |
ALT normalization with exact date and actual value |
ALP value initially including normal range |
ALP values during dechallenge up to 180 d, as well as later on |
ALP values during dechallenge to exclude a second peak |
ALP normalization with exact date and actual value |
AST value initially including normal range |
Laboratory criteria for definition of hepatotoxicity and its pattern |
Definition of risk factors such as age and alcohol |
Alcohol and drug use |
Statement regarding actual treatment including steroids or ursodesoxycholic acid |
Assessment of preexisting and coexisting liver unrelated diseases |
Assessment of preexisting and coexisting liver diseases |
Consideration of the several hundreds of other possible liver diseases |
Providing details to exclude alternative diagnoses |
Assessment and exclusion of hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, hepatitis E virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, HSV, VZV |
Liver and biliary tract imaging including color Doppler sonography of liver vessels |
Specific evaluation of alcoholic, cardiac, autoimmune, and genetic liver diseases |
Individual quantitative score of each alternative diagnosis |
Comedicated synthetic drugs, herbal drugs, herbal and other dietary supplements |
Definition of and search for accidental, unintended reexposure |
Assessing of unintended reexposure |
Search for evidence of prior known hepatotoxicity of the suspected herb |
Assessing of known hepatotoxicity caused by the herb |
Qualified data acquisition and documentation of complete data |
Transparent presentation of all data |
Causality assessment quality |
Prospective assessment by the physician suspecting herb induced liver injury |
Structured and quantitative method |
Liver specific causality assessment method validated for hepatotoxicity |
Use of the CIOMS scale |
Gathering of all data required for the CIOMS scale item by item |
Presentation of individual CIOMS items and of scores to regulatory agency |
Gathering all clinical data and presentation to regulatory agency |
Excluding all alternative causes and presentation to regulatory agency |
Regulatory case assessment by skilled hepatologist with clinical experience |
Regulatory assessment with assistance of external experts |
Transparent presentation of regulatory verified causality assessment results |
- Citation: Teschke R, Frenzel C, Schulze J, Eickhoff A. Herbal hepatotoxicity: Challenges and pitfalls of causality assessment methods. World J Gastroenterol 2013; 19(19): 2864-2882
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