Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 28, 2012; 18(32): 4342-4349
Published online Aug 28, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i32.4342
Table 1 International classification of diseases, ninth revision, and current procedural terminology codes used
ICD-9 codesDescription
Malignant neoplasms
157.1Body of pancreas
157.2Tail of pancreas
157.3Pancreas duct (Santorini and Wirsung)
157.4Islets of Langerhans
157.8Other specified sites of the pancreas (ectopic pancreatic tissue, malignant neoplasms of contiguous or overlapping sites of pancreas)
157.9Pancreas, part unspecified
Benign neoplasms
211.6Benign neoplasms of pancreas except Langerhans
211.7Benign neoplasm of islets of Langerhans
52.5Partial pancreatectomy
52.52Distal pancreatectomy
52.53Radical subtotal pancreatectomy
52.59Other partial pancreatectomy
54.21Laparoscopy utilization
CPT codes
48140Pancreatectomy, distal subtotal, with or without splenectomy; without pancreaticojejunostomy
48145Pancreatectomy, distal subtotal, with or without splenectomy; with pancreaticojejunostomy
48999Unlisted procedure
49320Exploratory laparoscopy
ICD-O-3 codes
25.1Body of the pancreas
25.2Tail of the pancreas
SEER codes
30Partial pancreatectomy, NOS (distal pancreatectomy)
80Pancreatectomy, NOS
90Surgery, NOS