Case Report
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 7, 2012; 18(21): 2730-2734
Published online Jun 7, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i21.2730
Table 3 Successful control severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding in Crohn's disease with infliximab
StudySexAge (yr)LocationDuration of diseaseCurrent treatmentPresenting symptomPRBC (unit)Characteristic of lesionInfliximab therapyBleeding controlled inFollow-up (mo)
Belaihe et al[26], 2002F28Ileocolon CD3 yrBudesonide azathioprineLower GIB5Multiple deep ulcers at colon without bleeding stigmataInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2, week 6)14 d5
F59colon CD9 yrPrednisolone, metronidazole, ciprofloxacinLower GIB4Multiple deep ulcers at colon without bleeding stigmataInfliximab 5 mg/kg (single dose)4 d4
Papi et al[7], 2003M50Ileocolon CD S/P resection and ileocolonic anastomosis due to bleeding9 moPrednisolone azathioprineLower GIB with hypovolumic shockNADeep ulcers at ileocolon anastomosis without bleeding stigmataInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2, week 6)NA12
M68Ileum CD S/P ileal resection due to stricture24 yrMesalamineMelena4Large ulcer at ileocolon anastomosis without bleeding stigmataInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2, week 6)NA3
Tsujikawa et al[25], 2004M31Ileocolon CD S/P ileocolectomy due to ulcer bleeding12 yrSalazosulfap yrimidineLower GIBNAMultiple ulcers at ileocolon anastomsosis and ileum without bleeding stigmataInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2, week 6)NA4
Ando et al[22], 2009F16Colonic CD1 yrMesalamine prednisoloneLower GIB with hypovolumic shock6Multiple deep ulcers at colon with diffuse mucosal inflammation without bleeding stigmataInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2, week 6)3 d12
Meyer et al[24], 2009F19Ileocolonic CD6 yrMesalamine prednisoloneLower GIB with hypovolumic shock4Multiple ulcers at terminal ileum without bleeding stigmataInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2, week 6)NA6
Julián Gómez et al[23], 2010M44Ileocolon CD S/P total colectomy with ileostomy due to toxic megacolonNANAPostop small bowel resection due to obstruction bleeding10Multiple deep ulcers at small bowel without bleeding stigmataInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2, week 6) and maintenance dose5 d3
Alcalde Vargas et al[21], 2011M27Ileocolon CD2 yrMesalamineMassive lower GIB8Multiple ulcers entire colon and abundant dark red blood at terminal ileumInfliximab 5 mg/kg (single dose)4 dNA
F36Colon and perianal CDNAAmoxicillin-clavulanate metronidazoleMassive lower GIB12Multiple deep ulcers entire colon and blood clotsInfliximab 5 mg/kg (single dose)6 dNA
M24Colon CD1 moPrednisoloneMassive lower GIB5Multiple deep ulcers entire colon and spontaneous bleeding mucosaInfliximab 5 mg/kg (single dose)4 dNA