Case Report
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 7, 2012; 18(21): 2730-2734
Published online Jun 7, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i21.2730
Table 2 Clinical characteristics and outcomes of infliximab treatment in 5 Crohn’s disease patients with severe gastrointestinal bleeding as a first presentation
No.Age (yr)SexPresenting symptomDropped rate of Hb (g/dL)PRBC (unit)LocationCharacteristic of lesionInfliximab therapyBleeding controlled inFollow-up (mo)
159MDiarrhea and abdominal pain (10 d) GIB (1 d)from 10 to 8 in 3 d6IleumMultiple ileal ulcers with oozing and one visible vesselInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2)1 d24
286MGIB (1 d)from 12 to 8.5 in 4 d7IleumMultiple ileal ulcers with oozingInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2)1 d36
371FDiarrhea and abdominal pain (10 d) GIBfrom 13 to 10 in 3 d3ileumMultiple ileal ulcers with oozingInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2)1 d12
450 yrFDiarrhea and abdominal pain (14 d) GIB (1 d)from 14 to 10 in 3 d2Ileum and jejunumMultiple ileal and jejunum ulcers with oozingInfliximab 5 mg/kg (d0, week 2)1 d36
571 yrM1st episode GIB from ileal ulcer (1 mo)Recurrent GIB (1 d)from 11 to 6.5 in 5 d6IleumMultiple ileal ulcers with oozing and one visible vesselInfliximab 5 mg/kg (single dose )1 d24