Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 28, 2012; 18(16): 1933-1939
Published online Apr 28, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i16.1933
Table 2 Comparison of the patient characteristics in the two groups prior to hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy n (%)
Group AGroup BPvalue
Age (yr)66.6 ± 6.965.5 ± 7.3NS (P = 0.635)
Male/female20 (87)/3 (13)15 (79)/4 (21)NS (P = 0.488)
Etiology of LC
HCV13 (57)11 (58)NS (P = 0.070)
HBV2 (9)6 (32)
HCV + HBV0 (0)1 (5)
Alcohol4 (17)0 (0)
NonB-nonC4 (17)1 (5)
Albumin (g/dL)3.6 ± 0.63.5 ± 0.6NS (P = 0.503)
Total bilirubin (mg/dL)1.1 ± 0.71.3 ± 0.5NS (P = 0.397)
PT (INR)1.19 ± 0.131.17 ± 0.10NS (P = 0.607)
AST (U/L)64 ± 3379 ± 51NS (P = 0.256)
ALT (U/L)47 ± 3053 ± 38NS (P = 0.569)
GGT (U/L)155 ± 16976 ± 76NS (P = 0.067)
WBC (/μL)4600 ± 14004400 ± 900NS (P = 0.431)
Hb (g/dL)13.1 ± 2.012.8 ± 1.0NS (P = 0.521)
Plt (× 104/μL)14.3 ± 6.512.1 ± 5.8NS (P = 0.262)
AFP (median, ng/mL)75503116NS (P = 0.434)
DCP (median, mAU/mL)123143363NS (P = 0.159)
A/B12 (52)/11 (48)6 (32)/13 (68)NS (P = 0.219)
Child-Pugh score6.8 ± 1.77.1 ± 1.4NS (P = 0.582)
Number of tumor (s)
≤ 5/6-10/> 105 (22)/7 (30) /11 (48)5 (26)/8 (42) /6 (32)NS (P = 0.515)
Size of the largest tumor (cm)7.3 ± 5.23.8 ± 1.3P = 0.008
Vessel invasion
presence/absence12 (52)/11 (48)7 (37)/12 (63)NS (P = 0.320)
Clinical stage
I/II/III/IVA0 (0)/0 (0)/ 11 (48)/12 (52)0 (0)/0 (0)/ 13 (68)/6 (32)NS (P = 0.180)
Duration of treatment received prior to HAIC (mo)16.3 ± 20.736.2 ± 21.5P = 0.004
Previous number of TACE session (s)0.9 ± 0.64.5 ± 1.8P < 0.0001
HAIC regimens
5-FU, cisplatin8 (35)7 (37)NS (P = 0.923)
5-FU, natural IFN-α4 (17)4 (21)
5-FU, PEG-IFN-α2b11 (48)8 (42)