©2010 Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Feb 28, 2010; 16(8): 960-965
Published online Feb 28, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i8.960
Published online Feb 28, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i8.960
Table 5 Anatomic distribution, histology type, differentiation degree of CRC in different areas n (%)
Areas | Rectum | Left sided | Right sided | Total | Tubular adenocarcinoma | Papillary adenocarci-noma | Other adenocarci-noma | Total | Well-and moderately-differentiated | Poorly-differentiated | Total |
Pearl Triangle area | 2349 (54.3) | 1039 (24.0) | 939 (21.7) | 4327 (100.0) | 3436 (79.4) | 363 (8.4) | 528 (1.4) | 4327 (100.0) | 2914 (81.6) | 627 (18.4) | 3571 (100.0) |
East area | 901 (56.9) | 363 (22.9) | 319 (20.2) | 1583 (100.0) | 1165 (73.6) | 271 (17.1) | 147 (1.6) | 1583 (100.0) | 878 (77.1) | 261 (22.9) | 1139 (100.0) |
North area | 415 (53.1) | 173 (22.1) | 194 (24.8) | 782 (100.0) | 484 (61.9) | 124 (15.9) | 174 (0.9) | 782 (100.0) | 299 (47.8) | 326 (52.2) | 625 (100.0) |
West area | 769 (52.0) | 355 (24.0) | 356 (24.0) | 1480 (100.0) | 1097 (74.1) | 15 (10.1) | 368 (4.7) | 1480 (100.0) | 829 (63.6) | 474 (36.4) | 1303 (100.0) |
Total | 4434 (54.3) | 1930 (23.6) | 1808 (22.1) | 8172 (100.0)1 | 6182 (75.6) | 773 (9.5) | 1217 (2.0) | 8172 (100.0)2 | 4920 (74.8) | 1718 (25.2) | 6638 (100.0)3 |
- Citation: Xu AG, Yu ZJ, Jiang B, Wang XY, Zhong XH, Liu JH, Lou QY, Gan AH. Colorectal cancer in Guangdong Province of China: A demographic and anatomic survey. World J Gastroenterol 2010; 16(8): 960-965
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