Original Article
Copyright ©2010 Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 21, 2010; 16(31): 3897-3904
Published online Aug 21, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i31.3897
Table 1 Relationship between expression of protein S100A4, E-cadherin, p53 and clinicopathologic parameters n (%)
ParametersExpression of protein S100A4
Expression of E-cadherin
Expression of p53
NegativePositiveP valueReducedPreservedP valueNegativePositiveP value
(n = 82)(n = 45)(n = 48)(n = 79)(n = 56)(n = 71)
Male51 (62.2)25 (55.6)28 (58.3)48 (60.8)36 (64.3)40 (56.3)
Female31 (37.8)20 (44.4)20 (41.7)31 (39.2)20 (35.7)31 (43.7)
Age (yr)0.7970.9630.344
mean ± SD58.4 ± 11.160.9 ± 11.259.3 ± 13.159.4 ± 10.058.3 ± 9.660.2 ± 12.3
Tumor location0.3520.1200.528
Colon38 (46.3)17 (37.8)25 (52.1)30 (38.0)26 (46.4)29 (40.8)
Rectum44 (53.7)28 (62.2)23 (47.9)49 (62.0)30 (53.6)42 (59.2)
Differentiated75 (91.5)42 (93.3)39 (81.3)78 (98.7)51 (91.1)66 (93.0)
Undifferentiated7 (8.5)3 (6.7)9 (18.8)1 (1.3)5 (8.9)5 (7.0)
Depth of tumor0.3190.6150.154
T1-225 (30.5)10 (22.2)12 (25.0)23 (29.1)19 (33.9)16 (22.5)
T3-457 (69.5)35 (77.8)36 (75.0)56 (70.9)37 (66.1)55 (77.5)
Lymph node metastasis0.2820.3380.667
Absent50 (61.0)23 (51.1)25 (52.1)48 (60.8)31 (55.4)42 (59.2)
Present32 (39.0)22 (48.9)23 (47.9)31 (39.2)25 (44.6)29 (40.8)
Distant metastasis0.05310.36510.6541
Absent81 (98.8)41 (91.1)45 (93.8)77 (97.5)53 (94.6)69 (97.2)
Present1 (1.2)4 (8.9)3 (6.3)2 (2.5)3 (5.4)2 (2.8)
pTNM stage0.1750.4030.857
I17 (20.7)7 (15.6)6 (12.5)18 (22.8)11 (19.6)13 (18.3)
II33 (40.2)16 (35.6)19 (39.6)30 (38.0)20 (35.7)29 (40.8)
III31 (37.8)18 (40.0)20 (41.7)29 (36.7)22 (39.3)27 (38.0)
IV1 (1.2)4 (8.9)3 (6.3)2 (2.5)3 (5.4)2 (2.8)
Absent67 (82.7)24 (58.5)31 (68.9)60 (77.9)40 (75.5)51 (73.9)
Present14 (17.3)17 (41.5)14 (31.1)17 (22.1)13 (24.5)18 (26.1)