Brief Article
Copyright ©2010 Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 7, 2010; 16(1): 56-62
Published online Jan 7, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i1.56
Table 1 Investigations performed on patients prior to DBE
1WCE: ?small sessile polyp in mid-small bowel
2Intra-operative enteroscopy with polypectomy
MRI enteroclysis: normal
3OGD: polyps in stomach and duodenum
MRI: 3 big polyps in small bowel
4WCE: multiple polyps in mid-small bowel
5WCE: possible polyp in ileum
6WCE: ?polyps seen in small bowel, ?intermittent intussusception Colonoscopy: polyp in rectum
7WCE: normal, Abdominal Ultrasound: enlarged spleen
8WCE: no source of bleeding
9OGD, WCE: lymphonodular hyperplasia in duodenum of little clinical significance
10OGD, WCE: no positive findings
11OGD, Ileo-colonoscopy, WCE: multiple blue rubber bleb nevus lesions throughout bowel
12WCE: angioma in small bowel
13WCE: polyp in mid-small bowel
14WCE: multiple polyps seen throughout the small bowel including a lymphangitic polyp