Brief Articles
Copyright ©2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Feb 28, 2009; 15(8): 961-965
Published online Feb 28, 2009. doi: 10.3748/wjg.15.961
Table 1 GERD in relation to demographic data and life style habits
GERD n (%)
Sex: Male93 (32.7)191 (67.3)0.8870.98
Female144 (33.3)289 (66.7)1.0
Age: ≥ 40134 (36.0)238 (64.0)0.0461.39
< 4093 (28.9)229 (71.1)1.0
Marital status: Married212 (34.2)408 (65.8)0.0861.61
Single22 (24.4)68 (75.6)1.0
BMI: Obese (> 30)22 (38.6)35 (61.4)0.5521.37
Over Wt.55 (32.7)113 (67.3)1.06
Normal (< 25)147 (31.5)320 (68.5)1.0
Hx1 of headache: Yes83 (49.1)86 (50.9)< 0.0012.56
No146 (27.4)387 (72.6)1.0
Hx of other GI2 complaints: Yes78 (51.0)75 (49.0)< 0.0012.70
No154 (27.8)400 (72.2)1.0