Brief Articles
Copyright ©2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 14, 2009; 15(26): 3288-3297
Published online Jul 14, 2009. doi: 10.3748/wjg.15.3288
Appendix table Appendix: Back-translation of Chinese (HK) CLDQ
Original wordingBackward translation
This questionnaire is designed to find out how you have been feeling during the last 2 wk.The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand how you felt in the past 2 wk.
You will be asked about you symptoms related to your liver disease, how you have been affected in doing activities, and how your mood has been.The questions are about the symptoms resulting from your liver illness and how these symptoms affect your participation in activities, and your emotions.
Please complete all of questions and select only one response for each question.Please answer all questions. You can only choose one answer for each question.
1 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been troubled by a feeling of abdominal bloating?1 In the past 2 wk, how much time you have been bothered by your bloating problem?
All of the timeAll the time
Most of the timeMost of the time
A good bit of the timeQuite Often
Some of the timeSometimes
A little of the timeA Short Time
Hardly any of the timeHardly Any
None of the timeNever
2 How much of the time have you been tired or fatigued during the last 2 wk?2 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you feel tired or exhausted?
3 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you experienced bodily pain?3 In the past 2 wk, how much time did your body ache?
4 How often during the last 2 wk have you felt sleepy during the day?4 In the past 2 wk, how often did you feel sleepy during the daytime?
5 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you experienced abdominal pain?5 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you have abdominal pain?
6 How much of the time during the last 2 wk has shortness of breath been a problem for you in your daily activities?6 In the past 2 wk, how much time were your daily activities affected by your shortness of breath?
7 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you not been able to eat as much as you would like?7 In the past 2 wk, how much time were you unable to eat as much as you want?
8 How much of the time in the last 2 wk have you been bothered by having decreased strength?8 In the past 2 wk, how much time have you been bothered by the decline in your physical energy?
9 How often during the last 2 wk have you had trouble lifting or carrying heavy objects?9 In the past 2 wk, how often did you find it difficult when you were lifting or carrying heavy objects?
10 How often during the last 2 wk have you felt anxious?10 In the past 2 wk, how often did you feel anxious?
11 How often during the last 2 wk have you felt a decreased level of energy?11 In the past 2 wk, how often did you find your energy level decreasing?
12 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you felt unhappy?12 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you feel unhappy?
13 How often during the last 2 wk have you felt drowsy?13 In the past 2 wk, how often did you feel sleepy?
14 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been bothered by a limitation of your diet?14 In the past 2 wk, how much time have you been bothered by your restricted diet?
15 How often during the last 2 wk have you been irritable?15 In the past 2 wk, how often did you become irritable?
16 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you had difficulty sleeping at night?16 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you find it difficult to sleep at night?
17 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been troubled by a feeling of abdominal discomfort?17 In the past 2 wk, how much time have you been bothered by your abdominal discomfort?
18 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been worried about the impact your liver disease has on your family?18 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you worry that your liver illness will affect your family?
19 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you had mood swings?19 In the past 2 wk, how much time did your emotions fluctuate?
20 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been unable to fall asleep at night?20 In the past 2 wk, how much time were you unable to sleep until sunrise?
21 How often during the last 2 wk have you had muscle cramps?21 In the past 2 wk, how often did your muscle cramp?
22 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been worried that your symptoms will develop into major problems?22 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you worry that your symptoms will become a serious problem?
23 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you had a dry mouth?23 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you have dry mouth?
24 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you felt depressed?24 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you feel depressed?
25 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been worried about your condition getting worse?25 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you worry that your condition will deteriorate?
26 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you had problems concentration?26 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you find it hard to concentrate?
27 How much of the time have you been troubled by itching during the last 2 wk?27 In the past 2 wk, how much time have you been bothered by itchiness?
28 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been worried about never feeling any better?28 In the past 2 wk, how much time did you worry that your health condition will not improve?
29 How much of the time during the last 2 wk have you been concerned about the availability of a liver if you need a liver transplant?29 In the past 2 wk, how much time have you worried that you could not get a liver if you have to undergo a liver transplant?