Guidelines Clinical Practice
Copyright ©2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 14, 2009; 15(2): 131-138
Published online Jan 14, 2009. doi: 10.3748/wjg.15.131
Table 2 Distal esophageal motility disorders based on pressure topography criteria
With Normal EGJ Relaxation (mean IRP < 15 mmHg)
Peristaltic Weakness
IntermediateMore than 30% of swallows with mild or severe peristaltic defects, but numerically insufficient to constitute severe peristaltic weakness
Severe>= 70% of swallows with severe peristaltic defects
Aperistalsis100% swallows with absent peristalsis
Nutcracker EsophagusNormal CFV, Mean DCI > 5000 and < 8000 mmHg × s × cm, can be localized to either distal subsegment or LES
Spastic NutcrackerNormal CFV, Mean DCI > 8000 mmHg × s × cm
Distal Esophageal SpasmNormal EGJ relaxation and spasm (CFV > 8 cm/s) with >= 20% of swallows
Esophageal ObstructionIncreased IBP or panesophageal pressurization not associated with EGJ obstruction
With Impaired EGJ Relaxation (mean IRP >= 15 mmHg)
Classic achalasiaImpaired EGJ relaxation and aperistalsis
Achalasia with esophageal compressionImpaired EGJ relaxation, aperistalsis, and panesophageal pressurization with >= 20% of swallows
Spastic achalasiaImpaired EGJ relaxation, aperistalsis, and spasm with >= 20% of swallows
EGJ Obstruction
MildElevated IBP (15-30 mmHg) that is compartmentalized between the peristaltic wavefront (normal, weak, or nutcracker) and EGJ
SevereIBP > 30 mmHg that is compartmentalized between the peristaltic wavefront (normal or nutcracker) and EGJ