Brief Articles
Copyright ©2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. May 21, 2009; 15(19): 2401-2405
Published online May 21, 2009. doi: 10.3748/wjg.15.2401
Table 2 Abnormalities detected on CE in patients with small bowel obstruction
Detected abnormalities (12)Gender/age (yr)CE retention (time)TherapyPost-CE obstructive symptom
CD (4)
F/18NoMedical therapyNone
M/54Yes (1 wk)Surgical resectionNone
M/53NoMedical therapyNone
F/65Yes (6 mo)Medical therapyNone
Tumor (2)
Ileal neuroendocrine carcinomaM/46NoSurgical resectionNone
Jejunal adenocarcinomaF/52Yes (2 wk)Surgical resectionNone
Intestinal tuberculosis (1)F/31NoMedical therapyNone
Ischemic enteritis (1)F/67NoSurgical resectionNone
Abdominal cocoon (1)M/43NoSurgical resectionNone
Intestinal diverticulum (1)M/60NoMedical therapyNone
Ileal polypoid tumor (1)F/59NoLost to follow-upNone
Duplication of intestine (1)M/9NoSurgical resectionNone