Case Report
Copyright ©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 7, 2007; 13(9): 1460-1465
Published online Mar 7, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i9.1460
Table 1 Gastrointestinal angiolipomas defined in literature
LiteratureLocalizationCase(age/sex)Polyp sizePolyp peduncleSymptomPreoperativediagnosticimagingmethods(exceptendoscopicprocedure)TherapyFollow-up(F/U)/recurrence
Jensen EH et al[9] 2006Esophagus85 yr/M39 mm x 25 mmPedunculated large polypA 2-mo dysphagia to solids foods, complete esophageal obstruction; had prolapsed to the level of the GE junctionCT , EUSAnterior esophagotomy, transsection of polyp using an endoscopic stapling device (open surgical excision)No F/U
DeRidder Ph et al[10] (1989)Stomach59 yr/M6 mmSubmucosal well demarcated massChronic occult GI bleedingLaparotomy- excision12 mo/No recurrence
McGregor DH et al[11] (1993)Stomach69 yr/M50 mm x 40 mm x 20 mmGastric submucosal mass on great curvature, without peduncleChronic hemorrhage and severe anemiaExploratory laparotomy, mass resection30 mo/No recurrence
Hunt J et al[12] (1996)Stomach27 yr/F80 mm x 55 mm x 45 mmLarge polypoid mass with large peduncleSuggestive of intussusception through the pylorus, acute GI hemorrhageExploratory laparotomy, distal partial gastrectomy, Billroth I gastric reconstruction, resection of polypnot given/ No recurrence
Mohl W et al[14] (2004)2Duodenum, ColonThe first was 66 yr/M, the second was 75 yr/F (2 pts with 1 duodenal and colonic A-L other duodenal A-Ls)1st-10 mm located near papilla of Vater, and colon 2nd-23 mm at the upper duodenal kneeBoth with peduncle1st acute, 2nd chronic GI bleeding Upper GI bleeding due to duodenal A-LEndoscopic snare polypectomy for 2 duodenal and for 1 colonic A-Lsnot given/ No recurrence
Jung IS et al[15] (2004)Duodenum60 yr/F35 mm x 4 mmWith peduncleDyspepsia for 6 moEUSEndoscopic polypectomyNo F/U
Kaneko T et al[16] (1996)1Meckel’s diverticulum accompanied A-LIntussusception
Ferrozzi F et al[3] (1998)IlealWith tuberous sclerosisCT
Manner M et al[17] (2001)Proximal ileum71 yr/F38 mmWith peduncleOccult bleeding, ileoileal intussusceptionUS, CTSmall bowel resection
Kwak HS et al[18] (2003)Small bowel/ proximal ileum75 yr/M30 mmIntraluminal lobulated polypoid mass with peduncleEpigastric discomfort, loss of appetite, weight lossEnteroclysis, MRISurgeryNo F/U
Aouad K et al[19] (2000)(Bauhin valve) ileocecal valveGastrointestinal hemorrhage
Kato K et al[20] (1999)1Ileocecal valve69 yr/M52 mm x 50 mm x 40 mmWithout peduncle, a submucosal smooth surface mass A-L3-d right lower quadrant abdominal painContrast enhanced abdominal CTLaparoscopy-assisted ileocecostomy, and a side-to- side anastomosis extracorporeally (a minimally invasive laparoscopic technique)5 yr/No recurrence
Saroglia G et al[21] (1996)Ileocecal valve55 yr/M55 mmSubmucousal massInvaginationBarium contrast graphySurgeryNo F/U
Vandamme J et al[22] (1964)Descending colon43 yr/M150 mm x 40 mmWith peduncleGI bleeding and non painful sub- obstruction by invaginationBarium contrast graphySurgery, colon resectionnot given/ No recurrence
Okuyama T et al[23] (2002)Sigmoid colon49 yr/M65 mm x 23 mmPedunculated polyp with smooth surfaceAsymptomatic, during routine exam positive fecal bloodDouble contrast enema, enhanced CTHemostatic clip and endoscopic electro- surgical polypectomyNo F/U
Chen YY et al[24] (2005)Transvers colon70 yr/M50 mmWith peduncleColonic obstructionUS, Abdominal CT, Colonic barium enema, colonoscopic examinationSurgical segmental resection2 yr/No recurrence
Kacar S et alRectum70 yr/F10 mmWith peduncleAsymptomatic-Polypectomy performed by endoscopic polypectomy snare6 mo/No recurrence Under F/U