©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Nov 7, 2007; 13(41): 5476-5480
Published online Nov 7, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i41.5476
Published online Nov 7, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i41.5476
Table 2 Results of histopathologic evaluation and flow cytometric analysis of NCAM-180 status
Case | pTNM | Stage | Histology | NCAM-180 | Outcome |
1 | T3N0M0 | II | Moderate | - | No active disease at 21 mo follow-up |
2 | T4N1M1 | IV | Poor | - | Died of metastatic diesease 8 mo postresection |
3 | T4N2M1 | IV | Moderate | - | No active disease at 9 mo follow-up |
4 | T3N0M0 | II | Well | - | No active disease at 20 mo follow-up |
5 | T4NIM1 | IV | Poor | - | Died of cardiopulmonary complication postoperatively |
6 | T3N1M0 | III | Moderate | - | No active disease at 6 mo follow-up |
7 | T2N0M0 | I | Moderate | - | Metachrone colonic disease at 15 mo |
8 | T2N0M0 | I | Moderate | - | No active disease at 15 mo follow-up |
9 | T4N2M0 | III | Moderate | - | Died of metastatic diesease 18 mo postresection |
10 | T3N2M0 | III | Moderate | - | No active disease at 18 mo follow-up |
11 | T2N0M0 | I | Moderate | - | Died of cardiopulmonary complication postoperatively |
12 | T3N0M1 | IV | Poor | - | Died of cardiopulmonary complication postoperatively |
13 | T3N1M0 | III | Moderate | - | No active disease at 32 mo follow-up |
14 | T3N1M0 | III | Moderate | - | No active disease at 20 mo follow-up |
15 | T3N0M0 | II | Poor | - | No active disease at 16 mo follow-up |
16 | T3N1M0 | III | Well | - | No active disease at 19 mo follow-up |
17 | T3N0M0 | II | Well | + | No active disease at 30 mofollow-up |
18 | T3N1M0 | III | Well | - | No active disease at 44 mo follow-up |
19 | T4N2M1 | IV | Poor | - | Died of metastatic diesease 5 mo postresection |
20 | T4N2M1 | IV | Poor | - | Died of metastatic diesease 4 mo postresection |
21 | T3N0M0 | II | Moderate | - | Died of metastatic diesease 56 mo postresection |
22 | T4N1M1 | IV | Moderate | - | Died of metastatic diesease 15 mo postresection |
23 | T4N1M0 | III | Moderate | - | Died of cardiopulmonary complication postoperatively |
24 | T3N0M0 | II | Poor | - | No active disease at 18 mo follow-up |
25 | T3N0M0 | II | Moderate | - | No active disease at 16 mo follow-up |
26 | T4N1M0 | III | Moderate | - | No active disease at 14 mo follow-up |
- Citation: Tascilar O, Cakmak GK, Tekin IO, Emre AU, Ucan BH, Irkorucu O, Karakaya K, Gül M, Engin HB, Comert M. Neural cell adhesion molecule-180 expression as a prognostic criterion in colorectal carcinoma: Feasible or not? World J Gastroenterol 2007; 13(41): 5476-5480
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