Gastric Cancer
Copyright ©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 21, 2007; 13(23): 3189-3198
Published online Jun 21, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i23.3189
Table 4 Correlation between muc2, cdx2, Li-cadherin, Ki-67 index and clinicopathologic features n (%)
MUC2 expressionCDX2 expressionLi-cadherin expressionKi-67 index
FactorsCasesMUC2-(n = 34)MUC2+(n = 32)PCDX2-(n = 52)CDX2+(n = 14)PLi-cad-(n = 42)Li-cad+(n = 24)P ≤ 25%(n = 40)> 25%(n = 26)P
Male3217 (50.0)15 (46.9)> 0.0523 (44.2)9 (64.3)> 0.0518 (42.9)14 (58.3)> 0.0518 (45.0)14 (53.8)> 0.05
Female3417 (50.0)17 (53.1)29 (55.8)5 (35.7)24 (57.1)10 (41.7)22 (55.0)12 (46.2)
Age (yr)
Mean ± SE6650.9 ± 2.256.0 ± 2.2> 0.05153.5 ± 1.952.9 ± 3.1> 0.05151.9 ± 3.054.6 ± 2.6> 0.05153.9 ± 2.251.0 ± 2.3> 0.051
Tumor diameter
< 5.0 cm3223 (67.6)9 (28.1)0.00130 (57.7)2 (14.3)0.00424 (57.1)8 (33.3)> 0.0524 (60.0)8 (30.8)0.02
≥ 5.0 cm3411 (32.4)23 (71.9)22 (42.3)12 (85.7)18 (42.9)16 (66.7)16 (40.0)18 (69.2)
Depth of wall invasion
T11311 (32.4)2 (6.3)0.008213 (25.0)0> 0.0510 (23.8)3 (12.5)> 0.0511 (27.5)2 (7.7)0.0482
T22210 (29.4)12 (37.5)16 (30.8)6 (42.9)15 (35.7)7 (29.2)14 (35.0)8 (30.8)
T32210 (29.4)12 (37.5)15 (28.8)7 (50.0)11 (26.2)11 (45.8)10 (25.0)12 (46.2)
T493 (8.8)6 (18.8)8 (15.4)1 (7.1)6 (14.3)3 (12.5)5 (12.5)4 (15.4)
Lymph node metastasis
LN (–)2921 (61.8)8 (25.0)0.00325 (48.1)4 (28.6)> 0.0520 (47.6)9 (37.5)> 0.0522 (55.0)7 (26.9)0.025
LN (+)3713 (38.2)24 (75.0)27 (51.9)10 (71.4)22 (52.4)15 (62.5)18 (45.0)19 (70.1)
Distant metastasis
M06032 (94.1)28 (87.5)> 0.0548 (92.3)12 (85.7)> 0.0539 (92.9)21 (87.5)> 0.0536 (90.0)24 (92.3)> 0.05
M162 (5.9)4 (12.5)4 (7.7)2 (14.3)3 (7.1)3 (12.5)4 (10.0)2 (7.7)
Vascular invasion
V (–)4027 (79.4)13 (40.6)0.00134 (65.4)6 (42.9)> 0.0531 (73.8)9 (37.5)0.00428 (70.0)12 (46.2)> 0.05
V (+)267 (20.6)19 (59.4)18 (34.6)8 (57.1)11 (26.2)15 (62.5)12 (30.0)14 (53.8)
TNM stage
I+ II3222 (64.7)10 (31.2)0.00727 (51.9)5 (35.7)> 0.0521 (50.0)11 (45.8)> 0.0524 (60.0)8 (30.8)0.02
III + IV3412 (35.3)22 (68.8)25 (48.1)9 (64.3)21 (50.0)13 (54.2)16 (40.0)18 (69.2)