Clinical Research
Copyright ©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 14, 2007; 13(2): 264-269
Published online Jan 14, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i2.264
Table 4 Mean value of biochemical parameters before and at the end of treatment period
Rifaximin plus fibers
Baselineat 24 moBaselineat 24 mo
ESR (mm/h)24.8 ± 18.215.2 ± 14.4< 0.00123.2 ± 18.617.8 ± 15.3< 0.05
Leukocytes (mm3)8330.3 ± 2554.46515.8 ± 1393.9< 0.0017944.9 ± 2091.46918.5 ± 1719.8< 0.01
Neutrophils (mm3)67.8 ± 12.362.0 ± 10.9< 0.00568.9 ± 9.965.5 ± 8.7< 0.03
Creatininemia (mg/dL)0.98 ± 0.250.96 ± 0.21NS0.98 ± 0.190.94 ± 0.17NS
Blood nitrogen (mg/dL)39.4 ± 13.037.7 ± 10.6NS37.1 ± 11.333.7 ± 9.9< 0.05
Blood sodium (nmol/L)138.8 ± 5.0140.0 ± 5.1< 0.05139.2 ± 5.2139.1 ± 6.5NS
Potassemia (nmol/L)4.22 ± 0.454.21 ± 0.46NS4.20 ± 0.374.18 ± 0.30NS
AST (IU/L)23.2 ± 15.121.3 ± 12.7NS22.5 ± 11.120.8 ± 10.5NS
ALT (U/L)23.9 ± 14.621.8 ± 11.6NS22.7 ± 14.419.1 ± 8.8< 0.05
AP (U/L)147.3 ± 63.2164.3 ± 65.6< 0.05140.6 ± 69.3149.1 ± 62.4NS
γGT (U/L)33.0 ± 24.136.6 ± 24.3NS35.4 ± 27.330.2 ± 18.4NS
Total proteins (g/dL)6.85 ± 0.576.89 ± 0.58NS6.90 ± 0.446.78 ± 0.89NS