Gastric Cancer
Copyright ©2005 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 7, 2005; 11(9): 1273-1282
Published online Mar 7, 2005. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v11.i9.1273
Table 1 Differentially expressed genes in prewarning microarray of gastric cancer.
GenBankNumberDescription of gene
Highly expressed genes in gastric cancer
1NM_001962Homo sapiens ephrin-A5 (EFNA5)
2XM_017384Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP7)
3NM_008610Mus musculus matrix metalloproteinase 2 (Mmp2)
4NM_004995Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP14)
5AF093573Bos taurus angiopoietin-1 (ang-1)
6AF004327Homo sapiens angiopoietin-2
7M11730Human tyrosine kinase-type receptor (HER2)
8U13948Human zinc finger/leucine zipper protein (AF10)
9XM_049646Homo sapiens similar to octamer-binding transcription factor 3B (OCT-3B)
10XM_055784Homo sapiens fibroblast growth factor 2 (basic) (FGF2)
11XM_056035Homo sapiens proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)
12L24203Homo sapiens ataxia-telangiectasia group D-associated protein
13XM_087201Homo sapiens similar to RED protein, IK cytokine
14X00663Human mRNA fragment for epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor
15NM_002607Homo sapiens platelet-derived growth factor alpha polypeptide (PDGFA)
16XM_165656Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2)
17NM_005918Homo sapiens malate dehydrogenase 2, NAD (mitochondrial) (MDH2)
18AF503165Homo sapiens HUS1 checkpoint homolog (HUS1) gene
19XM_045667Homo sapiens antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki-67 (MKI67)
20XM_050913Homo sapiens frequently rearranged in advanced T-cell lymphomas (FRAT1)
21XM_032866Homo sapiens signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A (STAT5A)
22NM_004103Homo sapiens protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta (PTK2B)
23XM_008355Homo sapiens membrane protein, palmitoylated 2 (MPP2)
24L18920Human MAGE-2 gene exon 2, 3, 4
25M12174Human ras-related rho
26NM_012333Homo sapiens c-myc binding protein (MYCBP)
27BC016514Homo sapiens, similar to translocated promoter region (to activated MET oncogene)
28NM_004324Homo sapiens BCL-2 associated X protein (BAX)
29Z26580cyclin A
32X54925Type I interstitial collagenase
33X05232Stromelysin, matrix metalloproteinase 3
34M22612Human pancreatic trypsin 1 (TRY1)
35XM_055254Homo sapiens fibronectin 1 (FN1)
36AF081127Danio rerio fibronectin (fn2)
37M15796Human cyclin protein gene
38HSFIBEDAHuman fibronectin gene ED-A region
39HSU66406Human putative EPH-related PTK receptor ligand LERK-8 (Eplg8)
40AF068846Homo sapiens scaffold attachment factor A (SAF-A)
41HSBTRCPHomo sapiens mRNA for beta-transducin repeat containing protein
42AF110763Homo sapiens skeletal muscle LIM-protein 1 (FHL1) gene
43HUMHO2SOS1Human mRNA for heme oxygenase-2
44HSHMSH16Human mutator hMSH2 gene
45HSEHK1Homo sapiens mRNA for EHK-1 receptor tyrosine kinase
46HSKLON30Homo sapiens mRNA for unknown antigen
47AB005047Homo sapiens mRNA for SH3 binding protein
48AF070561Homo sapiens clone 24703 beta-tubulin
49HUMCAM1VHuman vascular cell adhesion molecule 1
50HSRNASMGHomo sapiens mRNA for Sm protein G
51X83228Homo sapiens mRNA for LI-cadherin
52AF125100Homo sapiens HSPC039 protein
53HSU97018Homo sapiens echinoderm microtubule-associated protein homolog HuEMAP
54HSU43188Human Ets transcription factor (NERF-2)
55HSY17392Homo sapiens mRNA for prefoldin subunit 1
56HSU08316Human insulin-stimulated protein kinase 1 (ISPK-1)
57HZNF232G2Homo sapiens zinc finger protein ZNF232, exons2 and 3
58HUMP53THuman p53 cellular tumor antigen
59J03040Human SPARC/osteonectin
60XM_053809Homo sapiens similar to chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 2 (versican)
61L40379Homo sapiens thyroid receptor interactor (TRIP10)
62HSU72069Human karyopherin beta2
63HUMPGK2Human phosphoglycerate kinase (pgk) mRNA, exons 2 to last
64HSU07139Human voltage-gated calcium channel beta subunit
65XM_001472Homo sapiens v-jun sarcoma virus 17 oncogene homolog (avian) (JUN)
66AU100088Human phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (hPGDH) gene
67HUMKRUPZNHuman Kruppel related zinc finger protein (HTF10)
68AF077050Homo sapiens neuroendocrine-specific protein C homolog
69HUMSC35AHuman splicing factor SC35
70HUMPTPBHomo sapiens protein tyrosine phosphatase (CIP2)
71AF049608Homo sapiens monocarboxylate transporter 2 (MCT2)
72HUMHEKHuman receptor tyrosine kinase (HEK)
73J03210Human collagenase type IV
74HSRAB9P40Homo sapiens mRNA for Rab9 effector p40
75AF184924Homo sapiens zinc finger transcription factorBTEB2 gene
76HUMC5A2AHuman fibrillar collagen (proa2 (V)) gene
77HUMGAPAHuman GTPase-activating protein ras p21 (RASA)
78HUMGLURSHuman glutamate receptor subunit (GluH1)
79AF047715Homo sapiens A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP18)
80HSU40282Homo sapiens integrin-linked kinase (ILK)
81HSATPF1MHuman mRNA for mitochondrial ATP synthase(F1-ATPase) alpha subunit
82AF152485Homo sapiens protocadherin alpha 7 short formprotein (PCDH-alpha7)
83HSRP19Human mRNA for 19 ku protein of signal recognition particle (SRP)
84U17195Homo sapiens A-kinase anchor protein (AKAP100)
85HSU79299Human neuronal olfactomedin-related ER localizedprotein
86XM_037859Human focal adhesion kinase (FAK)
87HSU04209Human-associated microfibrillar protein
88D82878Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus mRNA for p34cdc2
89AF060515Homo sapiens cyclin K (CPR4)
90D21262Human mRNA for KIAA0035 gene
91NM_005641Homo sapiens TATA box binding protein-associatedfactor, RNA polymerase II, 85 ku
92HSU07550Human chaperonin 10
93X82153Homo sapiens mRNA for cathepsin 0
94HSU41766Human metalloprotease/disintegrin/cysteine-richprotein precursor (MDC9)
95AB017019Homo sapiens mRNA for JKTBP2
96HUMFNCHuman cellular fibronectin
97U93033Homo sapiens thyroglobulin (TG)
98AF0304354Homo sapiens proteoglycan 3 (PRG3) gene
99HUMCOL3IXHomo sapiens collagen alpha 3 type IX (COL9A3)
100NM_002427Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 13(MMP13)
101AF039747Homo sapiens cadherin-10 (CDH10)
102AF072242Homo sapiens methyl-CpG binding protein MBD2(MBD2)
103HSMYCCHuman c-myc oncogene
104HSTSPMHomo sapiens tissue specific mRNA
105HSU64317Human Crk-associated substrate relatedprotein Cas-L
106HSVACM1Homo sapiens mRNA for vasopressin activatedcalcium mobilizing receptor-like protein
107HUMPA1VHuman pro-alpha-1 (V) collagen
108AF059611Homo sapiens nuclear matrix protein NRP/B (NRPB)
109HSU004845Human a6 (I V) collagen (COL4A6)
110M87860Human S-lac lectin L-14-II (LGALS2) gene
111AF492837Human mRNA for osteopontin
112HSCOX7BMHomo sapiens coxVIIb mRNA for cytochromec oxidase subunit VIIb
113U01244Human fibulin-1D
114U52153Human inwardly rectifying potassium channelKir3.2
115S66427RBP1=retinoblastoma binding protein 1 [human, Nalm-6 pre-B cell leukemia, mRNA, 4834 nt]
116AF117108Homo sapiens IGF-II mRNA-binding protein3 (IMP-3)
117HSU49083Human cell surface heparin binding protein HIP
118HSU59289Human H-cadherin
119HSU95032Human growth-arrest-specific protein 2
120HSU18018Human E1A enhancer binding protein (E1A-F)
121HUMCGRPBHomo sapiens (clone HSNME29) CGRP type1 receptor
122X59543Human mRNA for M1 subunit of ribonucleotidereductase
123AF072810Homo sapiens transcription factor WSTF
124AF005068Homo sapiens breast and ovarian cancersusceptibility protein splice variant (BRCA1)
125HSU66197Human fibroblast growth factor homologous factor1 (FHF-1)
126HUMVTNRHuman cell adhesion protein (vitronectin) receptoralpha subunit
127HSA6417Homo sapiens mRNA for beta-tubulin foldingcofactor D
128AF109126Homo sapiens stromal cell-derived receptor-1 beta
129AB030078Homo sapiens mRNA for K-sam-II03
130HUMMFAPHomo sapiens extracellular matrix protein (MFAP3)gene
131HUMCOLVAHuman alpha-2 type V collagen gene
132HUMAAMP1XHomo sapiens angio-associated migratory cell protein (AAMP)
133Y08319Homo sapiens mRNA for kinesin-2
134HSVWFR1Human mRNA for pre-pro-von Willebrand factor
135S60085S2ADMLX=putative adhesion molecule [human,mRNA, 4121 nt, segment 2 of 2]
136HSU51334Homo sapiens signal transducing adaptor molecule 2A (STAM2)
137AF435957Homo sapiens Ly-6 antigen/uPA receptor-likedomain-containing protein
138NM_000245Homo sapiens met proto-oncogene (hepatocytegrowth factor receptor)
139XM_044659Homo sapiens c-src tyrosine kinase (CSK)
140AF061573Homo sapiens protocadherin (PCDH8)
141HUMMFAPHomo sapiens extracellular matrix protein (MFAP3)gene
142AF081535Homo sapiens CDC45L (CDC45L)
143HUMCA1XIAHuman alpha-1 type XI collagen (COL11A1)
144AB016625Homo sapiens OCTN2 gene
145AF151899Homo sapiens CGI-141 protein
146HSU12535Human epidermal growth factor receptor kinasesubstrate (Eps8)
147HSFCRIBHuman mRNA for high affinity Fc receptor (FcRI) 慴 form’
148HSU74628Homo sapiens cell division control related protein (hCDCrel-1)
149AF039564Homo sapiens retinoblastoma binding protein (RBBP9)
150HUMGAPAHuman GTPase-activating protein ras p21 (RASA)
151HUMSTK2AHuman protein serine/threonine kinase stk2
152AF144700Homo sapiens small zinc finger-like protein (TIM13)
153HUMTUBAKhuman alpha-tubulin
154HUMADCYHomo sapiens adenyl cyclase-associated protein (CAP)
155HSU89329Human alternatively spliced microtubule-associatedprotein 2C (MAP2)
156BC00051Homo sapiens, Insulin-like growth factor 2
157HSU89329Human alternatively spliced microtubule-associated protein 2C (MAP2)
158BC00051Homo sapiens, insulin-like growth factor 2
159AB000529Homo sapiens, prostate differentiation factor
160HSMAP01Human microtuble-associated protein-2 (MAP-2) gene, exon 1
161X67951Human mRNA for proliferation-associated gene (pag)
162M94250Human retinoic acid inducible factor (MK) gene
163XM_046278Homo sapiens core promoter element binding protein (COPEB)
164HSBM40Human mRNA for extracellular matrix protein BM-40
165HSU76381Homo sapiens fibroblast growth factor (FGF-12b)
166HSCALM2S04Homo sapiens calmodulin (CALM2) gene, exons 3-6
167HUMID2XHuman helix-loop-helix protein(ID-2)
168U20758Human osteopontin gene
169AF152307Homo sapiens protocadherin alpha 11(PCDH-alpha11)
170HUMAAMP1XHomo sapiens angio-associated migratory cell protein (AAMP)
172AF143536Homo sapiens colon cancer-associated protein Mic1(MIC1)
173HSU70322Human transportin (TRN)
174HUMMNMPHuman major nuclear matrix protein
175AF071057mRNA differentially expressed in GC7901 and GES-1
176AF219140Homo sapiens gastric cancer-related protein GCYS-20
177HSU40282Homo sapiens integrin-linked kinase (ILK)
178HSCA2VRHuman mRNA for pro-alpha 2 (V) collagen chain
179HUMPECAM27Homo sapiens platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) gene
180XM_165823Homo sapiens tumor necrosis factor (TNF superfamily, member 2) (TNF)
181D21063Homo sapiens MCM2 minichromosome maintenance deficient 2, mitotin
182XM_168045Homo sapiens CD24 antigen (small cell lung carcinoma cluster 4 antigen) (CD24)
183XM_030326Homo sapiens CD44 antigen (CD44)
184XM_034862Homo sapiens interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1)
185AB025106Homo sapiens mRNA for E-cadherin
186U73704Homo sapiens 48 ku FKBP-associated protein FAP48
187AF380298Oncorhynchus mykiss interferon regulatory factor 1 gene, promoter region and partial sequence
188L24203Homo sapiens ataxia-telangiectasia group D-associated protein
189D45906Homo sapiens mRNA for LIMK-2
190D21255Human mRNA for OB-cadherin-2
191X54925Homo sapiens mRNA for type I interstitial collagenase
192X05232Human mRNA for stromelysin, matrix metalloproteinase 3
193M22612Human pancreatic trypsin 1 (TRY1)
194HUMGOS8PPCHuman helix-loop-helix basic phosphoprotein (GOS8)
195HUMTHBS3Homo sapiens thrombospondin 3 (THBS3) gene
196HSVECADHomo sapiens VE-cadherin
197HSBTRCPHomo sapiens mRNA for beta-transducin repeat containing protein
198HUMPROFIIHuman profilin II
199HSCALTHomo sapiens mRNA for caltractin
200AF091214Homo sapiens WRN (WRN)
201AF070561Homo sapiens clone 24703 beta-tubulin
202HUMCD14MCAHuman monocyte antigen CD14 (CD14)
203HUMCAM1VHuman vascular cell adhesion molecule 1
204AF032900Homo sapiens timing protein CLK-1
205AF070561Homo sapiens clone 24703 beta-tubulin
206HSUPUEHomo sapiens mRNA for unknown protein of uterine endometrium
207HUMIL8RBHomo sapiens interleukin 8 receptor beta (IL8RB)
208HSERK3Homo sapiens ERK3
209AF208045Homo sapiens breast cancer-associated antigen BRCAA1 (BRCAA1)
210AF081259Homo sapiens testis-specific chromodomain Y-like protein (CDYL)
211AB022918Homo sapiens mRNA for alpha2,3-sialyltransferaseST3Gal VI
212AF057036Homo sapiens acetylcholinesterase collagen-like tail subunit (COLQ)
213AF152497Homo sapiens protocadherin beta 4 (PCDH-beta4)
214M86752Stress-induced phosphoprotein 1
215L04270TNF C receptor
216AF009674Axin 1
Highly expressed genes in precancerous lesions
1HSU72621Human LOT1
2HUMNMORHuman NAD(P)H: menadione oxidoreductase
3AF009227Homo sapiens gamma-heregulin
4HSU44839Human putative ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase(UHX1)
5HUMAAEHomo sapiens dbpB-like protein
6HSU08316Human insulin-stimulated protein kinase 1 (ISPK-1)
7HUMCD3621Human antigen CD36 (clone 21)
8Z11899Homo sapiens OTF3 mRNA for encoding octamer binding protein 3B
9XM_003226Homo sapiens vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1 (VIPR1)
10HUMPAI2BHuman plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 (PAI-2)
11HUMACTIIAHuman activin type II receptor
12M93718Human nitric oxide synthase
13HSU46837Human RNA polymerase II holoenzyme componentSRB7 (SRB7)
14HUMPCNAHuman proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) gene
15HSPCARHuman mRNA for calcium dependent protease(small subunit)
16HSU12140Human tyrosine kinase receptor p145TRK-B(TRK-B)
17HSTOP2A10Homo sapiens topoisomerase II alpha (TOP2A) gene,exons 34 and 35
18HUMYWXD703Homo sapiens ADP/ATP carrier protein (ANT-2)gene
19HUMKGFHuman keratinocyte growth factor
20HS40KDAPHomo sapiens 40 ku protein kinase related to ratERK2
21HUMPAFAAHuman mRNA for platelet activating factoracetylhydrolase IB gamma-subunit
22HUMLPLHuman lipoprotein lipase
23HUMMYLCCHuman smooth muscle myosin alkali light chain (MLC 1sm)
24HSU10564Human CDK tyrosine 15-kinase WEE1Hu (Wee1Hu)
25AF022655Homo sapiens cep250 centrosome associated protein
26D49737Homo sapiens mRNA for cytochrome b large subunitof complex II
27HUMCD53GLYHuman CD53 glycoprotein
28L02867Homo sapiens 62 ku paraneoplastic antigen
29HUMCALBETBHuman voltage-dependent calcium channel beta-1subunit
30HUMEPSURANHuman surface antigen
31AB020647Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0840 protein
32HSU88966Human protein rapamycin associated protein(FRAP2) gene
33HUMHGLUT1Human mRNA for glutamate transporter
34U70663Human zinc finger transcription factor hEZF(EZF)
35HSPTS1RHomo sapiens mRNA for peroxisomal targetingsignal 1 (SKL type) receptor
36HSU61276Human transmembrane protein Jagged 1 (HJ1)
37HUMMYONMHuman nonmuscle myosin heavy chain (NMHC)
38AF016270Homo sapiens thyroid hormone receptor coactivating protein
39HSU66243Human p38 gamma MAP Kinase
40HSU41766Human metalloprotease/disintegrin/cysteine-richprotein precursor (MDC9)
41HUMELF2Human translational initiation factor 2 beta subunit(elF-2-beta)
42HUMCYCAAHuman somatic cytochrome c (HCS) gene
43NM_013217Homo sapiens gene for AF-6
44AB017642Homo sapiens mRNA for oxidative-stress responsive 1
45AF110956Homo sapiens SUMO-1 activating enzyme subunit 1
46HUMALRHuman aldehyde reductase
47HUMATPSASHuman gene for ATP synthase alpha subunit (exon1 to 12)
48AF052497Homo sapiens clone B18
49AB000889Homo sapiens mRNA for phosphatidic acidphosphatase 2b
50HUMTPARNHomo sapiens mRNA for tissue plasminogen activator.
51AF006082Homo sapiens actin-related protein Arp2 (ARP2)
52HSU21090Human DNA polymerase delta small subunit
53HUMVENHK1Human voltage-gated potassium channel (HK1)
54HUMVTNRHuman cell adhesion protein (vitronectin) receptoralpha subunit
55AF091242Homo sapiens ATP sulfurylase/APS kinase 2
56HUMIGFBP1Human insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP1) gene
57AF047439Homo sapiens unknown
58AF117386Homo sapiens ubiquitin-specific protease (UBP)
59AF092129Homo sapiens guanine nucleotide binding protein gamma-3 subunit
60HUMCOXIVHuman cytochrome c oxidase COX subunit IV(COX IV)
61J05412Human regenerating protein (reg) gene
62AF054162Gccys-1, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1
63AF054163Gccys-2, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1
64AF054164Gccys-3,mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1
65AF054165Gccys-4, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1
66AF054166Gccys-5, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1
67AF054167Gccys-6, mRNA differentially expressed betweenGC7901 and GES-1
68NM_003542Homo sapiens H4 histone family, member G(H4FG)
69XM_032781Homo sapiens tubulin, gamma 1 (TUBG1)
70XM_083852Homo sapiens ribonucleotide reductase M1polypeptide(RRM1)
71HSU51586Human siah binding protein 1 (siahBP1)
72X55181Human ETS2 gene
73NM_004526Homo sapiens MCM2 minichromosomemaintenance deficient 2, mitotin (MCM2)
74XM_040900Homo sapiens MAP/microtubule affinity-regulatingkinase 3 (MARK3)
75XM_083852Homo sapiens ribonucleotide reductase M1polypeptide(RRM1)
76NM_012145Homo sapiens deoxythymidylate kinase(thymidylate kinase) (DTYMK)
77X59543Ribonucleotide reductase M1 polypeptide
78M74542Human aldehyde dehydrogenase type III (ALDHIII)
79M61855Human cytochrome P4502C9 (CYP2C9)
80S37730Homo sapiens insulin-like growth factor bindingprotein-2
81AB015982Homo sapiens EPK2 mRNA for serine/threoninekinase
82X67951Human mRNA for proliferation-associated gene(pag)
83AF127506Homo sapiens adenomatosis polyposis coli tumorsuppressor (APC) gene
84HT880Human Gastric mucin 6
85M63154Gastric intrinsic factor
Highly expressed genes in normal gastric mucous
1X05997Human mRNA for gastric Lipase
2U75272Human gastricsin
3M63154Human intrinsic factor
4AF043909Homo sapiens gastric mucin (MUC5AC)
5L07518Homo sapiens mucin
6M61853Human cytochrome p4502C18 (CYP2C18)
7M10942Human metallothionein-Ie gene (hMT-Ie)
8L15533Homo sapiens pancreatitis-associated protein (PAP)gene
9Z49107Homo sapiens galectin
10U52191Human SMCY (H-Y)
11NM_005522Homo sapiens homeo box A1 (HOXA1)
12M57732Human hepatic nuclear factor 1 (TCF1)
13X59770Homo sapiens IL-1R2 mRNA for type II interleukin-1 receptor
14X76223Homo sapiens MAL gene exon 4
15U05259Human MB-1 gene
16XM_052013Homo sapiens polymeric immunoglobulin receptor(PIGR)
17U90065Human potassium channel KCNO1
18M55422Human Krueppel-related zinc finger protein (H-plk)
19S78825Id1, transcription regulator helix-loop-helix protein
20U19948Human protein disulfide isomerase (PDIp)
21U43522Human cell adhesion kinase beta (CAKbeta)
22U12139Human alphal (XI) collagen (COL11A1) gene, 5region and exon 1
23M14539Human factor XIII subunit
24X65614Homo sapiens mRNA for calcium-binding proteinS100P
25AF000560Homo sapiens TTF-I interacting peptide 20
26AF002224Homo sapiens Angelman Syndrome Gene, E6-APubiquitin protein ligase 3A
27U57096Human janus kinase 3 (Jak3)
28U42600Human calcium-activated potassium channel betasubunit
29NM_017406cAMP responsive element binding protein-like 1
30U04806Human FLT3/FLK2 ligand
31D84361Human p52 and p64 isoforms of N-Shc
32Z30425Homo sapiens orphan nuclear hormone receptor
33M16364Human creatine kinase-B
34X96924Homo sapiens encoding mitochondrial citratetransport protein
35HSNM23H1Homo sapiens nm23H1 gene
36NM_014792Homo sapiens KIAA0125 gene product (KIAA0125)
37M34041Human alpha-2-adrenergic receptor (aipha-2 c2) gene
38XM_002444Homo sapiens serine threonine kinase 39 (Stk39)
39NM_001690Homo sapiens ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal70 ku, V1 subunitA
40L12398Human sapiens dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4)
41L76465Homo sapiens NAD+ dependent 15hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH)
42U57094Human small GTP-binding protein
43Z14978Homo sapiens mRNA for actin-related protein
44X53961Human lactotransferrin
45M62628Human alpha-1 Ig germline C-region membrane-coding region
46M84526Human adipsin/complement factor D
47X04391Human lymphocyte glycoprotein T1/Leu-1
48X044533Homo sapiens sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) andshort cytoplasmic domain, (semaphoring) 4B(SEMA4B)
49AF071054Gcys-11, mRNA differentially expressed in cell linesGC7901 and GES-1
50AF063015Homo sapiens cell division protein
51AF071056Gcys-17, mRNA differentially expressed in cell lines GC7901 and GES-1
52AF071058Gcys-15, mRNA differentially expressed in cell lines GC7901 and GES-1
53NM_001730Homo sapiens Kruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal)(KLF5), mRNA
54AB047278Arabidopsis thaliana AtNdr 1 mRNA for Ndr kinase
55XM_061005Homo sapiens similar to Mucin 2 precursor(Intestinal mucin2)
56HUM20D9Human gene for 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase
57HSCDC2Human CDC2 gene involved in cell cycle control
58AF202051Homo sapiens NM23-H8 (NME8)
59NM_005423Homo sapiens trefoil factor 2 (spasmolytic protein 1) (TFF2)
60D50419Homo sapiens OTK18
61HSU88870Human cell division control-related protein 2b(hcdcrel2b)
62NM_031942Homo sapiens cell division cycle associated 7(CDCA7)
63HSU09716Human mannose-specific lectin (MR60)
64HSU14394Human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3
66M63154Gastric intrinsic factor
67J05412Regenerating protein
68M57732Hepatic nuclear factor 1
69U70663Kruppel-like factor 4
70AB002559Syntaxin binding protein 2
71U80226GABA transaminase
75M74542Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3
76X66839Carbonic anhydrase IX
78L41688UDP-galactose-4 epimerase
79J03915Chromogranin A
80S76942Dopamine receptor D4
83D86961HMGIC fusion partner-like 2
84X96924Mitochondrial citrate transporter
85M16364Creatine kinase, brain
86M14539Factor XIII precursor
87U19948Protein disulfide isomerase
88X65614S100 calcium binding protein P
Highly expressed genes associated with metastasis
1NM_004994Homo sapiens matrix metalloproteinase 9(gelatinase B, 92 ku type IV collagenase) (MMP9)
2XM_053256Homo sapiens mucin 1, transmembrane (MUC1)
3XM_010702Homo sapiens cathepsin K (pycnodysostosis) (CTSK)
4NM_002628Homo sapiens profiling 2 (PFN2), transcript variant 2
5NM_002128Homo sapiens high-mobility group protein 1 (HMG1)
6M28130Human interleukin 8 (IL8) gene
7S3488Metastasis-associated gene (human, highlymetastatic lung cell subline Anip)
8NM_005231Homo sapiens ems1 sequence, transcript variant 1
9XM_059020Homo sapiens similar to GPI-anchored metastasis-associated protein homolog
10NP_571483Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
11I56986OPN-a-human (fragment)
12AAG31602CD44 isoform v3-v6
13AF01873392 ku type IV collagenase precursor (matrixmetalloproteinase-9) (MMP-9)
14AF00196Octamer-binding transcription factor 2 (OTF-2)
15XM_055254Homo sapiens fibronectin 1 (FN1)
Risk factor genes
1V01555Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome, strain B95-8
2AF275307H pylori plasmid pHPM8 (cagA)
3AF275307H pylori plasmid vacA
4AF275307H pylori plasmid Urase
5AF431736Human herpesvirus 1 strain KOS ICPO gene
6Z86099Herpes simplex virus type 2 (strain HG52)
7AF477385Human papillomavirus type 16 E7 gene
8AX742207Human hepatitis virus 11 type