Basic Research
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2005.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 14, 2005; 11(38): 5958-5965
Published online Oct 14, 2005. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v11.i38.5958
Figure 1
Figure 1 Effect of sham operation (SO), IP, resveratrol (RES) or rofecoxib (ROF) applied alone or in combination on serum lipase activity (A), IL-1® (B), poly-C ribonuclease (C), pancreatic DNA synthesis (D), and pancreatic blood flow (E) in rats with or without cerulein-induced pancreatitis. aP<0.05 vs shamoperated rats treated with cerulein alone, bP<0.001 vs sham-operated salinetreated control (SO), cP<0.05 vs rats exposed to IP and treated with cerulein.