©The Author(s) 2005.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 28, 2005; 11(28): 4375-4381
Published online Jul 28, 2005. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v11.i28.4375
Published online Jul 28, 2005. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v11.i28.4375
Figure 1 (PDF) Box-and-whiskers plots of gastric antral volume before (fasting), immediately (0) at 30- and 60-min intervals, after the end of the ingestion of a standard meal, in controls (left) and in dyspeptic patients with normal (middle) and delayed (right) gastric emptying.
The boxes at each time unit extend from the 25th percentile (x[25]) to the 75th percentile [x[75], i.e., the interquartile range (IQ)]; the lines inside the boxes represent the median values. The line emerging from the boxes (i.e., the "whiskers") extend to the upper and lower adjacent values. The upper adjacent value is defined as the largest data point≤x[75]+1.5 X IQ, and the lower adjacent value is defined as the smallest data point ≥x[25]-1.5 X IQ. Observed values more extreme than the adjacent values, if any, are individually plotted (circles). The widths of the boxes are proportional to the number of observations available at each time unit.
- Citation: Pallotta N, Pezzotti P, Calabrese E, Baccini F, Corazziari E. Relationship between gastrointestinal and extra-gastrointestinal symptoms and delayed gastric emptying in functional dyspeptic patients. World J Gastroenterol 2005; 11(28): 4375-4381
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